Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Funding, Moving, and Meeting the Team

"Impossible." From the Latin "impossibilis." Meaning: "unable to be done, performed." As in: an impossible task. As in... fund-raising. Or so I thought. There should be another word in the dictionary right after this one. Something that means "impossible... unless God is your which case, consider it totally do-able and really not an issue." I'm not sure there's any vocabulary that exists to explain this phenomenon, but since Philippians 4:13 covers the issue, maybe Webster should just plug that reference in there. In any case, I have discovered that getting $25,000 dollars in 7 weeks or less is actually not impossible. Or at least, God made it happen for me. In all honesty, I had very little to do with it. Although I probably ate more lunch this summer than I have since I was 6, on account of having noon-time funding meetings with people. For those who are wondering, Panera and Salsa's are tied for most popular lunch spots in St. Marys. All this is to say that God seriously provided in some wicked cool ways in the last few months, and I hit my 75% funding requirement 3 hours before I was scheduled to move to PA. I always have been a procrastinator. But just watching the funds pour in was an incredible experience. And I wouldn't trade the last minute success for an easier experience even if I had the choice.  
In other news, living in PA has thus far been suh-weeeet. I've been blessed with a free living space that came in the form of a basement room/bathroom/kitchen that is 2 miles from campus and perfect for entertaining college students. It is spacious, cool, and recently full of as much stuff as I could carry with me from MD. There's something uniquely satisfying about knowing that all the things I need to live fit entirely in my car. Hello easy mobility. Although (downside) I absolutely could not cram my guitar in there. Major disappointment. ATTN anyone visiting this semester: got room in your trunk for a 6-string? Also, if you're reading this blog and you're not planning on visiting me... what the heck? I live across the street from a park, 5 miles from a mountain top overlook, 45 minutes from Amish country, and in a town that is affectionately known as "Happy Valley." Can life get better? I submit that it cannot. (No, I still have no idea why they call it that. Don't ask).
Lastly, by this point I've met and competed with (Connect-4 tournament) the rest of my staff team on multiple occasions. They are, like most other things in and around this town, wonderful, entertaining, and completely covered in blue (kidding, that last one only applies to the campus). I think getting to know them and depend on them this semester is going to be one of the best parts of the whole gig. Not to mention- they are great auction partners. Very practiced in their hand raise techniques. Also- they have some of the most adorable children I've ever seen. Never in my life have I wanted to babysit so badly.  
            If you want more updates on how you can be praying, or how you can financially support my ministry, shoot me an email. I'd be glad to have you on my team.  Also- if you do plan on coming to visit, I have an available couch, and very few weekends free. Book early!