Friday, June 24, 2011

The Return

         Nine days in Colorado will really make a person forget about how humid the East coast can be. I think I preferred the altitude. In any case, I'm back in Maryland now and apparently totally equipped to see God bring in some thousands of dollars right before my eyes. If only I could just stand back and watch Him work His magic. Needless to say, I've got a lot to do in the next seven weeks.

         Step one is to buy a planner,because I  have never been great with keeping  days straight and that skill is evidently somewhat crucial to keeping all the parts of the fundraising process in the right order. Over the weekend I'll be printing off the first of my "Ask" letters, which will go out to people who I'll later be calling to set up face to face appointments. Then I'll start addressing the first of approx. 600 envelopes. That, my friends, is a flip ton of adhesive. I'm thinking about finding a temp agency to hire me some help. Any volunteers??

           In all seriousness, Colorado was incredible. Not that I ever had any doubt that it would be. I met 30 or so of my bosses/co-workers and got to know them particularly well through a series of events which included hiking, mini-golfing, nerf gun wars, and a few particularly informative seminars. I brushed up on several accents from US states far and near. And I was reminded just how awesome God is. While reading through a series of verses about why God can and should be trusted with our lives, I stumbled upon this gem: "Our God is in heaven, and does whatever He pleases." -Psalm 115:3- Yeah, that's right. The Lord does what He wants. Later on, He makes His own thoughts on the subject pretty flippin' clear: "I am He alone, and no one can take anything from My hand. I act, and who can reverse it?" -Isaiah 43:13-

           If EDGE is the Lords will for my life (I'm pretty confident about that at this point) then why should I worry about where the funds will come from? Does He not have power over all things? Will He who did not spare His own son not freely give me all I need to live? It's a pretty open and shut case, folks. I write this not only to share with you what He blatantly reminded me, but also because I know at some point in the next 49 days I will totally lose my confidence about all of this, and will at that point need some clear reminders. In the meantime, let the fundraising begin!


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! I'm so glad you started this. This way when we aren't texting constantly I'll still be up to date on your life and endeavours!

  2. Proud of you Kaitlin!
